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Hi Sugar Dolls! It’s me, Petria Lamar, the owner and operator of Petria’s Sugar Blast, a blossoming dessert and goodies business based in Albany,Ga 💜 Allow yourself to journey with me to the road to “Petria’s Sugar Blast”! 


I was born in Augusta,GA, and lived in California, North Carolina and of course here in Albany,GA. Growing up I always had a dream of being an FBI Agent and owning my own business! However like many people my biggest focus in life became not the family that I came from and my personal dreams, but the one that I created and doing whatever it took to give them the best life I could possibly give! I take pride in being a loving wife to my handsome and devoted husband and a kind, caring and nurturing mother to our beautiful seven children and host of others who I mother by love! 




Please read the 'Rules and Regulations' Document BEFORE you place your order! All customers will be held responsible for reading, respecting and maintaining the polices set in place! We thank you for your support!

The journey did not begin as what you see today! In the beginning all that I could make was red velvet cake, peanut butter finger bars and cheesecakes.  So that’s what I did! Anytime the holidays came around I would sell dinner plates and desserts! I became a hit with friends, family and strangers…so much that they inspired and motivated me to turn my passion into my career! 


I spent many years learning about my craft! From taking classes to sharing tips with other bakers I was able to build my repertoire and challenge myself to more difficult recipes! It is truly amazing to now see those childhood dreams and aspirations become a reality! 

I am so grateful to each and every supporter and customer that I have met along the way of this beautiful journey! I hope that my story inspires you to dig deep inside yourself, find something sweet about you and share it with the world! 


- Petria Lamar, Owner of Petria’s Sugar Blast LLC



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